Java - 二进制代码与字节码相同吗?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 binary jvm bytecode java


In Java, does "binary code" means the same as "Java bytecode?"

这是 Java 中的流程吗?

Is this the flow in Java ?

Java 文件 (.java) -> [javac] ->字节码文件 (.class) -> [JVM/Java解释器] -> 运行它(首先将其转换为二进制代码特定于机器)

Java File (.java) -> [javac] -> ByteCode File (.class) -> [JVM/Java Interpreter] -> Running it(by first converting it into binary code specific to the machine)




The answer depends on what you mean by binary code.

Java 字节码 是一种二进制数据格式,包括 Java 虚拟机的加载信息和执行指令.从这个意义上说,Java 字节码是一种特殊的二进制代码.

Java bytecode is a binary data format that includes loading information and execution instructions for the Java virtual machine. In that sense, Java bytecode is a special kind of binary code.

当您使用术语二进制代码"来表示真实处理器架构(如 IA-32 或 Sparc)的机器指令时,情况就不同了.
Java 字节码 不是那种意义上的二进制代码.它不是特定于处理器的.

When you use the term "binary code" to mean machine instructions for a real processors architecture (like IA-32 or Sparc) then it is different.
Java bytecode is not a binary code in that sense. It is not processor-specific.
