
2022-01-09 00:00:00 binary java


I'm trying to store a number as a binary string in an array but I need to specify how many bits to store it as.

例如,如果我需要用两位存储 0,我需要一个字符串00".或者 1010 有 6 位所以001010".

For example, if I need to store 0 with two bits I need a string "00". Or 1010 with 6 bits so "001010".


谢谢大家,因为我一般在数学/编程方面都很垃圾,所以我选择了最简单的解决方案,即 David 的解决方案.比如:

Thanks guys, as I'm rubbish at maths/programming in general I've gone with the simplest solution which was David's. Something like:

for(int n=binaryString.length(); n<numberOfBits; n++) {
                        binaryString.insert(0, "0");


It seems to work fine, so unless it's very inefficient I'll go with it.


使用 Integer.toBinaryString() 然后检查字符串长度并在其前面添加尽可能多的零以达到所需长度.

Use Integer.toBinaryString() then check the string length and prepend it with as many zeros as you need to make your desired length.
