
2022-01-09 00:00:00 file binary text java


Namely, how would you tell an archive (jar/rar/etc.) file from a textual (xml/txt, encoding-independent) one?



There's no guaranteed way, but here are a couple of possibilities:

  1. 在文件中查找标题.不幸的是,标头是特定于文件的,因此虽然您可能会发现它是一个 RAR 文件,但您不会得到更通用的答案,即它是文本还是二进制文件.

  1. Look for a header on the file. Unfortunately, headers are file-specific, so while you might be able to find out that it's a RAR file, you won't get the more generic answer of whether it's text or binary.

计算字符与非字符类型的数量.文本文件大多是字母字符,而二进制文件——尤其是压缩文件,如 rar、zip 等——往往会更均匀地表示字节.

Count the number of character vs. non-character types. Text files will be mostly alphabetical characters while binary files - especially compressed ones like rar, zip, and such - will tend to have bytes more evenly represented.


Look for a regularly repeating pattern of newlines.
