使用自定义字体时出现问题 - “无法制作原生字体";

2022-01-09 00:00:00 fonts listview android java textview

我正在尝试使用我在互联网上找到的字体,但问题是我得到了一个带有无法制作原生字体"的 FC.

I'm trying to use a font I found on the internet, but the problem is that I get an FC with "native typeface cannot be made".

这是我的 ListVIew 的 getView 中的代码:

Here is the code in the getView of my ListVIew:

        holder.tv_SuraName   =(TextView)convertView.findViewById(R.id.Start_Name);
        holder.tv_SuraName.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(mContext.getAssets(), "suralist_font.ttf"));

谁能告诉我为什么我可以使用自定义 rom?你可以得到它这里 ..文件是.ttf

Can anyone tell me why can I use the custom rom? You can get it HERE .. the file is .ttf


字体文件由于某种原因损坏或不受支持.您可以将其放在 SD 卡上并从文件中加载,以确保您的资产没有问题.

The font file is either corrupt or unsupported for some reason. You can drop it on the SD card and load it from file, to make sure it's not a problem with your assets.
