
2022-01-09 00:00:00 ftp java fileinputstream

在 Windows 中使用 java 代码我需要从放置在服务器中的目录下载几个文件.服务器中的那些文件是单独生成的.所以我不知道这些文件的名称.有没有办法使用JAVA下载它并将其保存在特定文件夹中.

using java code in windows i need to download several files from a directory placed in a server. those files in server are generated separately. so i'll not know the name of those files. is there any way to download it using JAVA and saving it in a specific folder.

我正在使用 apache tomcat.

i am using apache tomcat.

我阅读了与 java 文件下载相关的所有其他线程.但是没有一个能满足我的要求.

I read all other threads related to java file download. But none of them satisfy my requirement.


使用 java.net.URLjava.net.URLConnection 类.
