Java 双重比较 epsilon

2022-01-09 00:00:00 floating-point currency java

我编写了一个类,用 Java 中的两个双精度来测试相等、小于和大于.我的一般情况是比较可以精确到半美分的价格.59.005 与 59.395 相比.我为这些情况选择的 epsilon 是否足够?

I wrote a class that tests for equality, less than, and greater than with two doubles in Java. My general case is comparing price that can have an accuracy of a half cent. 59.005 compared to 59.395. Is the epsilon I chose adequate for those cases?

private final static double EPSILON = 0.00001;

 * Returns true if two doubles are considered equal.  Tests if the absolute
 * difference between two doubles has a difference less then .00001.   This
 * should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a precision of
 * .001.
 * @param a double to compare.
 * @param b double to compare.
 * @return true true if two doubles are considered equal.
public static boolean equals(double a, double b){
    return a == b ? true : Math.abs(a - b) < EPSILON;

 * Returns true if two doubles are considered equal. Tests if the absolute
 * difference between the two doubles has a difference less then a given
 * double (epsilon). Determining the given epsilon is highly dependant on the
 * precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a double to compare.
 * @param b double to compare
 * @param epsilon double which is compared to the absolute difference of two
 * doubles to determine if they are equal.
 * @return true if a is considered equal to b.
public static boolean equals(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return a == b ? true : Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon;

 * Returns true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of first minus second is greater then
 * .00001.  This should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a
 * precision of .001.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 *              double
public static boolean greaterThan(double a, double b){
    return greaterThan(a, b, EPSILON);

 * Returns true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of first minus second is greater then
 * a given double (epsilon).  Determining the given epsilon is highly
 * dependant on the precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 *              double
public static boolean greaterThan(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return a - b > epsilon;

 * Returns true if the first double is considered less than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of second minus first is greater then
 * .00001.  This should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a
 * precision of .001.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered less than the second
 *              double
public static boolean lessThan(double a, double b){
    return lessThan(a, b, EPSILON);

 * Returns true if the first double is considered less than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of second minus first is greater then
 * a given double (epsilon).  Determining the given epsilon is highly
 * dependant on the precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered less than the second
 *              double
public static boolean lessThan(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return b - a > epsilon;


不要用 double 来代表钱.永远不会.使用 java.math.BigDecimal 代替.

You do NOT use double to represent money. Not ever. Use java.math.BigDecimal instead.

然后,您可以指定如何精确地进行舍入(有时在金融应用程序中由法律规定!),而不必像 epsilon 那样做愚蠢的黑客行为.

Then you can specify how exactly to do rounding (which is sometimes dictated by law in financial applications!) and don't have to do stupid hacks like this epsilon thing.


Seriously, using floating point types to represent money is extremely unprofessional.
