
2022-01-08 00:00:00 mocking testing unit-testing mockito java

在 Java 中使用 Mockito 如何验证一个方法只被调用了一次,而忽略了对其他方法的调用?

Using Mockito in Java how to verify a method was called only once with exact parameters ignoring calls to other methods?


public class MockitoTest {

    interface Foo {
        void add(String str);
        void clear();

    public void testAddWasCalledOnceWith1IgnoringAllOtherInvocations() throws Exception {
        // given
        Foo foo = Mockito.mock(Foo.class);

        // when
        foo.add("1"); // call to verify
        foo.add("2"); // !!! don't allow any other calls to add()
        foo.clear();  // calls to other methods should be ignored

        // then
        Mockito.verify(foo, Mockito.times(1)).add("1");
        // TODO: don't allow all other invocations with add() 
        //       but ignore all other calls (i.e. the call to clear())


TODO: 不允许使用 add() 部分的所有其他调用中应该做什么?

What should be done in the TODO: don't allow all other invocations with add() section?


  1. verifyNoMoreInteractions(foo);

不.它不允许调用其他方法,例如 clear().

Nope. It does not allow calls to other methods like clear().

  1. verify(foo, times(0)).add(any());

不.它没有考虑到我们允许一次调用 add("1").

Nope. It does not take into account that we allow one call to add("1").


Mockito.verify(foo, Mockito.times(1)).add("1");
Mockito.verify(foo, Mockito.times(1)).add(Mockito.anyString());

第一个 verify 检查预期的参数化调用,第二个 verify 检查是否只有一次对 add 的调用.

The first verify checks the expected parametrized call and the second verify checks that there was only one call to add at all.
