
2022-01-08 00:00:00 mocking unit-testing mockito java
protected int parseExpire(CacheContext ctx) throws AttributeDefineException {
    Method targetMethod = ctx.getTargetMethod();
    CacheEnable cacheEnable = targetMethod.getAnnotation(CacheEnable.class);
    ExpireExpr cacheExpire = targetMethod.getAnnotation(ExpireExpr.class);
    // check for duplicate setting
    if (cacheEnable.expire() != CacheAttribute.DO_NOT_EXPIRE && cacheExpire != null) {
        throw new AttributeDefineException("expire are defined both in @CacheEnable and @ExpireExpr");
    // expire time defined in @CacheEnable or @ExpireExpr
    return cacheEnable.expire() != CacheAttribute.DO_NOT_EXPIRE ? cacheEnable.expire() : parseExpireExpr(cacheExpire, ctx.getArgument());


Method targetMethod = ctx.getTargetMethod();
CacheEnable cacheEnable = targetMethod.getAnnotation(CacheEnable.class);

我必须模拟三个 CacheContext、Method 和 CacheEnable.有什么想法可以让测试用例变得更简单吗?

I have to mock three CacheContext,Method and CacheEnable. Is there any idea to make the test case much simpler?


Mockito 可以处理链式存根:

Foo mock = mock(Foo.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);

// note that we're stubbing a chain of methods here: getBar().getName()

// note that we're chaining method calls: getBar().getName()
assertEquals("deep", mock.getBar().getName());


AFAIK, the first method in the chain returns a mock, which is set up to return your value on the second chained method call.

Mockito 的作者指出,这应该仅用于遗留代码.更好的做法是将行为推送到您的 CacheContext 中,并提供它自己完成工作所需的任何信息.您从 CacheContext 提取的信息量表明您的课程具有 功能嫉妒.

Mockito's authors note that this should only be used for legacy code. A better thing to do otherwise is to push the behavior into your CacheContext and provide any information it needs to do the job itself. The amount of information you're pulling from CacheContext suggests that your class has feature envy.
