
我通过 Eclipse 中的 JVM 参数在系统变量中设置了一个文件夹路径,我试图在我的类中访问它:System.getProperty("my_files_path").

I have a folder path set in system variable through JVM arguments in Eclipse and I am trying to access it in my class as: System.getProperty("my_files_path").

在为此类编写 junit 测试方法时,我尝试模拟此调用,因为测试类不考虑 JVM 参数.我使用 PowerMockito 模拟静态 System 类,并尝试在调用 System.getProperpty 时返回一些路径.

While writing junit test method for this class, I tried mocking this call as test classes do not consider JVM arguments. I have used PowerMockito to mock static System class and tried returning some path when System.getProperpty is being called.

在类级别有 @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class)@PrepareForTest(System.class) 注释.但是, System 类没有被嘲笑,因此我总是得到空结果.任何帮助表示赞赏.

Had @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) and @PrepareForTest(System.class) annotations at class level. However, System class is not getting mocked as a result I always get null result. Any help is appreciated.


感谢 Satish.除了稍作修改外,此方法有效.我写了 PrepareForTest(PathFinder.class),为测试用例而不是 System.class 准备我正在测试的类

Thanks Satish. This works except with a small modification. I wrote PrepareForTest(PathFinder.class), preparing the class I am testing for test cases instead of System.class


Also, as mock works only once, I called my method right after mocking. My code just for reference:

public class PathInformationTest {

    private PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder();

    public void testValidHTMLFilePath() { 
