HashMap 冲突是否会导致调整大小?

2022-01-08 00:00:00 hashmap java hash-collision

如果在放入 HashMap 期间发生冲突,是调整映射大小还是将条目添加到特定存储桶中的列表中?

When there is a collision during a put in a HashMap is the map resized or is the entry added to a list in that particular bucket?


当你说'碰撞'时,你的意思是相同的哈希码吗?hashcode 用于确定要使用 HashMap 中的哪个桶,桶由具有相同 hashcode 的所有条目的链表组成.然后在返回或引导 (get/put) 之前比较条目是否相等(使用 .equals()).

When you say 'collision', do you mean the same hashcode? The hashcode is used to determine what bucket in a HashMap is to be used, and the bucket is made up of a linked list of all the entries with the same hashcode. The entries are then compared for equality (using .equals()) before being returned or booted (get/put).

请注意,这是专门的 HashMap(因为这是您询问的那个),以及其他实现,YMMV.

Note that this is the HashMap specifically (since that's the one you asked about), and with other implementations, YMMV.
