
2022-08-05 00:00:00 pdf puppeteer javascript



// Server:

// setup
const func = require('firebase-functions');
const pptr = require('puppeteer');
const opts = { memory: '1GB', regions: ['europe-west3'] };
const call = func.runWith(opts).https.onCall
let browser = pptr.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox'] });

// onCall
exports.makePdf = call(async (data) => {
  // this works, does open the page testing with { headless: false }
  const brws = await (await browser).createIncognitoBrowserContext();
  const page = await brws.newPage();    
  await page.setContent(data, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
  const file = await page.pdf({ format: 'A4' });
  await brws.close();
  // the problem is returning the file
  return file

file登录到服务器上时,它是一个缓冲区<Buffer 25 50 44 46 2d 31 2e ... 11150 more bytes>,但当登录到客户端时,它是一个对象,以十进制表示,而不是十六进制{ data: {0: 37, 1: 80, 2: 68, 3: 70, ... }}


// Client:

// send html and receive the file
let html = '<div><h1>Hi</h1></div>';
let file = ((await fns.makePdf(html))).data;
// also tried buffer = new Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(file));
let blob = new Blob(file, { type: 'application/pdf' });

// download the file
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.download = `${name}.pdf`;






// setup
const func = require('firebase-functions');
const pptr = require('puppeteer');
const opts = { memory: '1GB', regions: ['europe-west3'] };
const call = func.runWith(opts).https.onCall

// this runs outside of the function because it might not be killed off
// if the function is called quickly in succession (lookup details on 
// google cloud functions docs)
let browser = pptr.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox'] });

// the main function
exports.makePdf = call(async (data) => {
  // prep puppeteer so it can print the pdf
  const brws = await (await browser).createIncognitoBrowserContext();
  const page = await brws.newPage();    
  await page.setContent(data);
  const file = await page.pdf({
    format: 'A4',
    printBackground: false,
    margin: { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }
  // and just return the stream
  return file



// so this is inside some function, has to be because it needs to be async
var a, blob, buffer, d, file, html, i, result;
// this html is for testing, it would obviously be gathered in another way
html = '<div><h1>Hi</h1></div>';

// we call the function from the client
// fns is my shorthand object defined on Google Functions initialization
// it is literally: f.httpsCallable('makePdf') where f is the functions object
// you get from initialization
file = ((await fns.makePdf(html))).data;
// additional .data is needed because onCall automatically wraps

// now the point

// 1. convert object to array
result = []; for (i in file) {
  d = file[i]; result.push(d);
// 2. convert that to a Uint8Array
buffer = new Uint8Array(result);
// 3. create a blob, BUT the buffer needs to go inside another array
blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/pdf' });

// finally, download it
a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.download = `${path}.pdf`;
