Reaction Render逻辑&VS三元运算符(&&VS)


return (
        <div>{x === 1 && <div>Hello</div>}</div>
        <div>{x === 1 ? <div>Hello</div> : null}</div>


没有显著的性能差异,但是因为0和空字符串""是"falsy" in JavaScript,所以我始终选择三元运算符,以便下一个编辑我代码的人知道我的确切意图。


const count: number | null = 0;
const firstName: number | null = "";

return (
        {/* Was this a bug or is `0` really not supposed to render??
          * This will just render "0". */}
        <div>{count && <>The count is {count}</>}</div>

        {/* Okay got it, there's a difference between `null` and `number` */}
          {count == null ? <>No count at all</> : <>Count of {count}</>}

        {/* Was this a bug too or is `""` supposed to render nothing?
          * This will just render an empty string. */}
        <div>{firstName && <>My name is {firstName}</>}</div>

        {/* Okay now I see `null` / `undefined` vs. a string */}
          {firstName == null ? <>No name</> : <>This *will* render {firstName}</>}
