
2022-01-31 00:00:00 reactjs download javascript

我从 api 收到文件 url 作为响应.当用户单击下载按钮时,应下载文件,而无需在新选项卡中打开文件预览.如何在 React js 中实现这一点?

I receive file url as response from api. when user clicks on download button, the file should be downloaded without opening file preview in a new tab. How to achieve this in react js?



Triggering browser download from the frontend is not reliable.


What you should do is, create an endpoint on a server that when called, responds with the correct response headers, thus triggering the browser download.


Frontend code can only do so much. The 'download' attribute for example, might just open the file in a new tab depending on the browser and the type of the file.

您需要查看的响应标头是 Content-TypeContent-Disposition.您应该查看此答案以获取有关这些标题的更详细说明.

The response headers you need to look at are Content-Type and Content-Disposition. You should check this answer for a more detailed explanation on those headers.
