在 React 中渲染对象属性

2022-01-31 00:00:00 reactjs object javascript


export const otherInformation = [{"FAQ": ['入门指南', '销售政策'],"帮助与支持": ['帮助指南', '销售政策'],法律":[使用条款"、隐私政策"]}]


类信息扩展组件{使成为() {const otherInformationLoop = otherInformation.map((value, key) => {返回 (

<div className="col-md-4" key={key}><div className="仪表板信息">{Object.keys(value).map((val, k) => {返回 (<h4 k={k}>{val}</h4>)})}</div></div></div>)})返回 ({其他信息循环}//<div></div>);}}



Information.render():必须返回一个有效的 React 元素(或 null).您可能返回了未定义、数组或其他一些无效对象




你正在渲染一个数组,但是你只能从你的 react 组件返回一个块,将你的 map 函数包装在一个 div 中

类信息扩展组件{使成为() {const otherInformationLoop = otherInformation.map((value, key) => {返回 (

<div className="col-md-4" key={key}><div className="仪表板信息">{Object.keys(value).map((val, k) => {返回 (<h4 k={k}>{val}</h4>)})}</div></div></div>)})返回 (<div>{ otherInformationLoop }</div>);}}

I have a object like this

export const otherInformation = [
    "FAQ": ['Getting started guide', 'Selling policy'],
    "Help & Support": ['Help guide', 'Selling policy'],
    "Legal": ['Terms of Use', 'Privacy Policy']

My code

class Information extends Component {
    render() {
        const otherInformationLoop = otherInformation.map((value, key) => {
            return (
                    <div className="col-md-4" key={key}>
                        <div className="dashboard-info">

                            {Object.keys(value).map((val, k) => {
                                return (<h4 k={k}>{val}</h4>)


        return (
            { otherInformationLoop }
            // <div></div>

Im having trouble looping through the object.

Error obtained is like this

Information.render(): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object

How can I loop thorugh the object so that the obtained result is obtained

Thanks in advance. Any help is appreciated


You are rendering an array but you can only return a single block from your react component, wrap your map function within a div

class Information extends Component {
    render() {
        const otherInformationLoop = otherInformation.map((value, key) => {
            return (
                    <div className="col-md-4" key={key}>
                        <div className="dashboard-info">

                            {Object.keys(value).map((val, k) => {
                                return (<h4 k={k}>{val}</h4>)


        return (

            <div>{ otherInformationLoop }</div>
