如何使用 JavaScript 将长数组拆分为更小的数组

2022-01-31 00:00:00 arrays loops jquery javascript

我有一个电子邮件数组(可以是 1 封电子邮件,也可以是 100 封电子邮件),我需要使用 ajax 请求发送数组(我知道该怎么做),但我只能发送一个包含 10 封或更少电子邮件的数组.因此,如果有一个包含 20 封电子邮件的原始阵列,我需要将它们分成 2 个阵列,每个阵列 10 个.或者如果原始数组中有 15 封电子邮件,然后是 1 个包含 10 个的数组,以及另一个包含 5 个的数组.我正在使用 jQuery,最好的方法是什么?

I have an array of e-mails (it can be just 1 email, or 100 emails), and I need to send the array with an ajax request (that I know how to do), but I can only send an array that has 10 or less e-mails in it. So if there is an original array of 20 e-mails I will need to split them up into 2 arrays of 10 each. or if there are 15 e-mails in the original array, then 1 array of 10, and another array of 5. I'm using jQuery, what would be the best way to do this?


不要使用 jquery...使用纯 javascript

Don't use jquery...use plain javascript

var a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];

var b = a.splice(0,10);

//a is now [11,12,13,14,15];
//b is now [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];


You could loop this to get the behavior you want.

var a = YOUR_ARRAY;
while(a.length) {

这一次会给你 10 个元素...如果你有 15 个元素,你会得到 1-10,11-15 是你想要的.

This would give you 10 elements at a time...if you have say 15 elements, you would get 1-10, the 11-15 as you wanted.
