
2022-01-30 00:00:00 node.js javascript ecmascript-6

是否可以在使用 ES6 导入时将某些内容导入到提供变量名的模块中?

is it possible to import something into module providing variable name while using ES6 import?


I.e. I want to import some module at a runtime depending on values provided in a config:

import something from './utils/' + variableName;


不使用 import 语句.importexport 的定义方式使得它们可以静态分析,因此它们不能依赖于运行时信息.

Not with the import statement. import and export are defined in such a way that they are statically analyzable, so they cannot depend on runtime information.

您正在寻找 loader API (polyfill),但我是有点不清楚规范的状态:

You are looking for the loader API (polyfill), but I'm a bit unclear about the status of the specification:

System.import('./utils/' + variableName).then(function(m) {
