如何在 JavaScript 或调试中找到 DOM 节点上的事件侦听器?

2022-01-29 00:00:00 events dom javascript

我有一个页面,其中一些事件侦听器附加到输入框和选择框.有没有办法找出哪些事件侦听器正在观察特定的 DOM 节点以及针对什么事件?

I have a page where some event listeners are attached to input boxes and select boxes. Is there a way to find out which event listeners are observing a particular DOM node and for what event?


Events are attached using:

  1. 原型的 Event.observe;
  2. DOM 的 addEventListener;
  3. 作为元素属性element.onclick.


如果您只需要检查页面上发生的情况,您可以尝试 Visual Event 小书签.

If you just need to inspect what's happening on a page, you might try the Visual Event bookmarklet.

更新:视觉事件 2可用.
