处理从 ajax post 下载的文件

2022-01-29 00:00:00 jquery javascript ajax

我有一个 javascript 应用程序,可以将 ajax POST 请求发送到某个 URL.响应可能是 JSON 字符串,也可能是文件(作为附件).我可以在我的 ajax 调用中轻松检测到 Content-Type 和 Content-Disposition,但是一旦我检测到响应包含一个文件,我该如何让客户端下载它?我在这里阅读了许多类似的主题,但没有一个提供我正在寻找的答案.

I have a javascript app that sends ajax POST requests to a certain URL. Response might be a JSON string or it might be a file (as an attachment). I can easily detect Content-Type and Content-Disposition in my ajax call, but once I detect that the response contains a file, how do I offer the client to download it? I've read a number of similar threads here but none of them provide the answer I'm looking for.

请,请,请不要发布建议我不应该为此使用 ajax 或我应该重定向浏览器的答案,因为这些都不是一个选项.使用纯 HTML 表单也不是一种选择.我需要的是向客户端显示一个下载对话框.这可以做到吗?如何做到?

Please, please, please do not post answers suggesting that I shouldn't use ajax for this or that I should redirect the browser, because none of this is an option. Using a plain HTML form is also not an option. What I do need is to show a download dialog to the client. Can this be done and how?


创建表单,使用 POST 方法,提交表单 - 不需要 iframe.当服务器页面响应请求时,为文件的 mime 类型写一个响应头,它会显示一个下载对话框 - 我已经这样做了很多次了.

Create a form, use the POST method, submit the form - there's no need for an iframe. When the server page responds to the request, write a response header for the mime type of the file, and it will present a download dialog - I've done this a number of times.

您想要应用程序/下载的内容类型 - 只需搜索如何为您使用的任何语言提供下载.

You want content-type of application/download - just search for how to provide a download for whatever language you're using.
