
2022-01-29 00:00:00 jquery javascript

知道为什么下面的代码没有将脚本元素添加到 DOM 中吗?

Any idea why the piece of code below does not add the script element to the DOM?

var code = "<script></script>";


我看到一些浏览器在您直接执行某些更改时不尊重某些更改(我的意思是像您一样从文本创建 HTML尝试使用脚本标签),但是当您使用内置命令执行它们时,事情会变得更好.试试这个:

I've seen issues where some browsers don't respect some changes when you do them directly (by which I mean creating the HTML from text like you're trying with the script tag), but when you do them with built-in commands things go better. Try this:

var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url;
$("#someElement").append( script );

来自:JSON for jQuery
