
我正在我的 HTML 页面中加载 <iframe> 并尝试使用 Javascript 访问其中的元素,但是当我尝试执行我的代码时,我收到以下错误:

I am loading an <iframe> in my HTML page and trying to access the elements within it using Javascript, but when I try to execute my code, I get the following error:

SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "http://www.<domain>.com" from accessing a cross-origin frame.


Can you please help me to find a solution so that I can access the elements in the frame?


I am using this code for testing, but in vain:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var iframeWindow = document.getElementById("my-iframe-id").contentWindow;

    iframeWindow.addEventListener("load", function() {
        var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
        var target = doc.getElementById("my-target-id");

        target.innerHTML = "Found it!";



你不能使用 JavaScript 访问不同来源的 <iframe>,如果你能做到,那将是一个巨大的安全漏洞.对于 同源策略 浏览器阻止脚本试图访问具有不同来源的框架.

Same-origin policy

You can't access an <iframe> with different origin using JavaScript, it would be a huge security flaw if you could do it. For the same-origin policy browsers block scripts trying to access a frame with a different origin.


Origin is considered different if at least one of the following parts of the address isn't maintained:



Protocol, hostname and port must be the same of your domain if you want to access a frame.

注意:众所周知,Internet Explorer 并未严格遵守此规则,请参阅 这里 了解详情.

NOTE: Internet Explorer is known to not strictly follow this rule, see here for details.


URL                                             RESULT       -> Success -> Success                    -> Success (default port for HTTP)                  -> Failure: different port       -> Failure: different hostname   -> Failure: different protocol                     -> Failure: different protocol & port       -> Failure: different protocol, port & hostname 


即使同源策略阻止脚本访问具有不同来源的站点的内容,如果您拥有这两个页面,则可以使用 window.postMessage 及其相关的 message 事件 在两个页面之间发送消息,如下所示:


Even though same-origin policy blocks scripts from accessing the content of sites with a different origin, if you own both the pages, you can work around this problem using window.postMessage and its relative message event to send messages between the two pages, like this:

  • 在您的主页中:

  • In your main page:

const frame = document.getElementById('your-frame-id');
frame.contentWindow.postMessage(/*any variable or object here*/, '');

postMessage() 的第二个参数可以是 '*' 以表明对目的地的来源没有偏好.应尽可能提供目标来源,以避免泄露您发送到任何其他网站的数据.

The second argument to postMessage() can be '*' to indicate no preference about the origin of the destination. A target origin should always be provided when possible, to avoid disclosing the data you send to any other site.

在您的 <iframe>(包含在主页中):

In your <iframe> (contained in the main page):

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
    // IMPORTANT: check the origin of the data! 
    if (event.origin.startsWith('')) { 
        // The data was sent from your site.
        // Data sent with postMessage is stored in
    } else {
        // The data was NOT sent from your site! 
        // Be careful! Do not use it. This else branch is
        // here just for clarity, you usually shouldn't need it.

此方法可以双向应用,也可以在主页中创建一个监听器,并接收来自框架的响应.同样的逻辑也可以在弹出窗口和基本上由主页生成的任何新窗口中实现(例如,使用 也一样,没有任何区别.

This method can be applied in both directions, creating a listener in the main page too, and receiving responses from the frame. The same logic can also be implemented in pop-ups and basically any new window generated by the main page (e.g. using as well, without any difference.

已经有一些关于这个主题的好答案(我刚刚发现他们在谷歌上搜索),所以,对于可能的浏览器,我将链接相关答案.但是,请记住禁用同源策略只会影响您的浏览器.此外,在禁用同源安全设置的情况下运行浏览器会授予 任何 网站对跨源资源的访问权限,因此 这是非常不安全的,如果您不确切知道自己是什么,则永远不要这样做做(例如开发目的).

There already are some good answers about this topic (I just found them googling), so, for the browsers where this is possible, I'll link the relative answer. However, please remember that disabling the same-origin policy will only affect your browser. Also, running a browser with same-origin security settings disabled grants any website access to cross-origin resources, so it's very unsafe and should NEVER be done if you do not know exactly what you are doing (e.g. development purposes).

  • 谷歌浏览器
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • 歌剧
  • Microsoft Edge:不可能
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
