
2022-01-25 00:00:00 forms labels html

Mary 有一个小表格,它的字段就是这样标记的.


I've got a label for each input field... pretty standard affair. After validating the form, I'm displaying a helpful little paragraph at the top of the form detailing what information is missing or incorrect.


Can I have two labels for the same input field? One in the form proper, and one in the validation reminder text? Is there any reason I shouldn't do this?


我假设这个问题是关于 HTML 表单的.来自规范:

I assume this question is about HTML forms. From the specification:

LABEL 元素可用于将信息附加到控件.每个 LABEL 元素只与一个表单控件相关联.

The LABEL element may be used to attach information to controls. Each LABEL element is associated with exactly one form control.


Thus, each form control can be referenced by multiple labels, but each label can only reference one control. So if it makes sense to have a second label for a control (and in the situation you describe, it does) feel free to add a second label.
