关于 HTML 标签的“For"财产

2022-01-25 00:00:00 label html

考虑以下 2 行代码(复制自 w3schools.com > "HTML < label > for Attribute"):

Considering the following 2 lines of code (copied from w3schools.com > "HTML < label > for Attribute"):

  <label for="male">Male </label>
  <input type="radio" name="sex" id="male" />

我无法发现上述标签的for"属性的确切用途.如您所见,它当前设置为男性"(以匹配输入控件的 id).

I am having trouble discovering the exact purpose of the above label's "for" property. As you can see it is currently set to "male" (to match the id of the input control).


All I have read so far is that the above code will 'associate' and 'bound' the label with the input control. So my question is, what exactly does this mean?


What exactly are the results of associating the label to the input control?
Does the label and/or input have new behaviours as a result of this 'association'?


通过 for 与控件关联的 label 将是可点击的.单击它选择控件.特别是对单选/复选框非常有用.它还对视障人士的屏幕阅读器的可访问性产生了影响.

A label that is associated with a control via for will be clickable. Clicking it selects the control. Highly useful with radio/checkboxes in particular. It also has accessibility implications for screen readers for the visually impaired.
