调整 HTML 表单中标签元素的行高

2022-01-25 00:00:00 label forms html css

我有一个带有包装 <label> 元素的表单,但是 <label> 的两行之间的空间太大,我不能't 似乎调整了 <label> 的行高.

I have a form with a wrapping <label> element, but the space between the <label>'s two lines is too big and I can't seem to adjust the line-height of the <label>.

这是 <label><p> 的示例,两者都应用了相同的 CSS.如您所见,<p> 调整正确,而 <label> 保持不变.

Here is an example of a <label> and a <p>, both with the same CSS applied. As you can see, the <p> adjusts correctly, while the <label> remains unchanged.



form label,
form p

<form style="width:200px;">
         <label for="textarea">In ten or fewer words, explain American history</label>
        <p>In ten or fewer words, explain American history</p>
        <textarea name="textarea" rows="5" ></textarea>


所有的 HTML 标签都按照描述其性质的类别进行分类.这种分类可以涉及语义、行为、交互等诸多方面.

All the HTML tags are classified in categories that describe their nature. This classification can be related to semantics, behavior, interaction and many other aspects.

plabel 标签都属于流内容"标签类别.但是两者之间有一个细微的区别:label 标签也被归类为短语内容"类别.

Both p and label tags are classified in "flow content" tags category. But there is one slight difference between then: the label tag is also classified in a category called "phrasing content".

这一切在实践中意味着什么?浏览器默认渲染将遵循指定的标签分类,并将 p 标签视为块元素,而 label 标签将默认视为 in-线元素.您可以通过覆盖默认 CSS 规则来修改它:只需告诉浏览器您希望您的 label 像块元素一样呈现.

What do all this mean in practice? The browser default rendering will follow the specified tag classifications and will treat the p tag as a block element, while the label tag will, by default, be treated as an in-line element. You can modify this by overwriting the default CSS rule: just tell the browser that you want your label to be rendered like a block element.

label {
  display: block;

您需要这样做,因为内联元素 (display:inline) 不能具有 heightline-heightmargin 等属性-topmargin-bottom(它们将被忽略).

You need to do that because elements that are in-line (display:inline) can't have properties like height, line-height, margin-top, margin-bottom (they will be ignored).

如果您希望内联元素具有高度属性但仍保持其内联行为(不会导致 LINE BREAK),您可以将其声明为:

If you want an inline element to have a height property but still keep it with it's inline behavior (without cause a LINE BREAK), you can declare it as:


阅读 HTML 的文档总是好的.这是一个显示类别的漂亮图表,它可以为您节省大量时间,尤其是在处理这些小问题时.

It's always good to take a read at HTML 's documentation. Here is a nice graph showing the categories, it can save you a lot of time, specially when dealing with these small quirks.
