如何在单独的文件中创建 javascript 库并“包含"?它在另一个?

2022-01-25 00:00:00 include javascript wsh windows-scripting

首先,请注意.主脚本不在网页中运行.我将使用 Windows Script Host 在 Windows 中运行 .js 文件.

First, a caveat. The main script is not run in a webpage. I will be running the .js file in Windows using Windows Script Host.

问题:我想创建一个包含许多对象的javascript库",每个对象都有许多功能.我预计这个库会随着时间的推移变得相当大,并希望将它保存在一个单独的 javascript 文件中(我们称之为 Library.js).我想从另一个脚本(我们称之为 User.js)访问 Library.js 中的对象.

The problem: I would like to create a javascript "library" containing a number of objects, each with a number of functions. I expect this library will get rather large with time and would like to keep it in a separate javascript file (let's call it Library.js). I would like to access the objects from Library.js from another script (let's call this one User.js).

本质上,我正在寻找类似于 C/C++包含"范式的东西.

In essence, I am looking for something similar to the C/C++ "include" paradigm.

有没有办法在 javascript 中实现这个?(记住,这不是基于网络的)


这个页面就在这里是我能找到的最接近的.它讨论了 .wsf 文件,它可以让您将多个脚本(可能用不同的语言编写)组合在一个文件中.

This page right here is the closest I could find. It talks about .wsf files which let you combine multiple scripts (that may be written in different languages) in one file.


For your question it should be something like:


<job id="IncludeExample">
   <script language="JScript" src="library.js"/>
   <script language="JScript">
      // use your library functions here

可能有更好的方法,但我不是 WSH 专家.

There may be better ways, but I'm not a WSH expert.
