添加 eventListener 以模糊自定义组件上的事件?

2022-01-25 00:00:00 javascript vue.js vue-component vuejs2

我有一个名为 styled-input 的组件,它是一个包含样式、图标、验证等的输入.

我正在尝试在自定义指令中使用 addEventListener 来监听事件并让事情发生.

内部:value 是一个 prop(允许 v-model 绑定在外面)


<输入v-绑定:值=值"v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"v-on:blur="$emit('blur', $event.target.value)"/></div></模板>

我正在尝试通过自定义指令将 addEventListeners 添加到标签中以进行自定义验证.

在指令中,我使用 addEventListener 来监听来自输入字段的事件.

Vue.directive('custom-validator', {绑定:函数(el,绑定){el.addEventListener('blur', (event) => {//不触发});el.addEventListener('input', (event) => {///触发});},});





你没有选择 blur 因为你没有指定 useCapture 参数.这是强制性的,因为 blur 事件确实不冒泡.所以添加 useCapture 可以解决你的问题:

el.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {//现在可以工作了}, 真的);//useCapture 是 addEventListener 的第三个参数

不要将 Native DOM 事件与 Vue 事件混淆

从您的代码(参见下面的演示)中,似乎当 blurinput 被触发时,.addEventListener() 选择 $emit() 发出的内容.事实并非如此.

您可能会明白这一点,因为除了 v-on 上的那些 $emit() 之外,<input>将也触发原生事件blurinput.

所以你实际上有两种不同类型的 blur 事件和两种 input 事件(见下面的演示).

$emit() 怎么了?

$emit() 是 Vue 内部的.它是一部分或 每个 Vue 实例 事件接口.

.addEventListener() 用于原生 DOM 事件.它将监听 .dispatchEvent()s,而不是 $emit()s.

要收听 Vue 的 $emit(),你必须使用 Vue 的 .$on().

请参阅下面的演示.注意 .$on().addEventListener() 中的 e(事件)对象是不同的.

Vue.component('my-comp', {模板:'#styled-input-tpl',道具:['价值']});Vue.directive('我的指令', {绑定:函数(el,绑定,vnode){vnode.componentInstance.$on('blur', function (e) {console.log('received $on(blur) - 事件值:', event);});vnode.componentInstance.$on('input', function (e) {console.log('received $on(input) - 事件值:', e);});el.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {console.log('received NATIVE(blur) - event value:', e.target);}, 真的);//<========================================================= 重要el.addEventListener('输入', (e) => {console.log('received NATIVE(input) - 事件值:', e.target);});}})新的 Vue({埃尔:'#app'})

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16/dist/vue.min.js"></脚本><模板 id="styled-input-tpl">

<输入v-绑定:值=值"v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"v-on:blur="$emit('blur', $event.target.value)"/></div></模板><div id="app">编辑输入,聚焦并检查控制台.<my-comp v-my-directive :value="'edit me'"></my-comp></div>

I have a component called styled-input and it's an input with styles, icons, validation, etc.

I am trying to use addEventListener inside a custom directive to listen to events and make things happen.


Internally: value is a prop (allowing for v-model binding outside)

            v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"
            v-on:blur="$emit('blur', $event.target.value)"

I'm trying to addEventListeners to the tag through custom directives for custom validation.


Inside the directive I am using addEventListener to listen to events from the input field.

Vue.directive('custom-validator', {
    bind: function(el, binding) {
        el.addEventListener('blur', (event) => {
            // Does not fire

        el.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
            /// Fires

Why doesn't the blur event fire, while the input event fires?

How can I get the blur event to fire?


Why blur fails

You are not picking the blur because you are not specifying the useCapture argument. It is mandatory because blur event does not bubble. So adding the useCapture would fix your problem:

el.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {
  // it will work now
}, true); // useCapture is the third argument to addEventListener

Don't confuse Native DOM events with Vue events

From the your code (and see demo below), it may seem that when blur and input are triggered, the .addEventListener() picks what was emitted by $emit(). That is not the case.

You may get that idea because, besides those $emit()s at your v-ons, the <input> will also trigger the native events blur and input.

So what you actually have is two different kinds of events for blur and two for input (see demo below).

What is up with $emit()?

$emit() is internal to Vue. It is a part or every Vue instance events interface.

.addEventListener() is for native DOM events. It will listen to .dispatchEvent()s, not $emit()s.

To listen to Vue's $emit()s you must use Vue's .$on().

See demo below. Notice the e (event) object from the .$on() and from the .addEventListener() are different.

Vue.component('my-comp', {
  template: '#styled-input-tpl',
  props: ['value']

Vue.directive('my-directive', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    vnode.componentInstance.$on('blur', function (e) {
      console.log('received $on(blur) - event value:', event);
    vnode.componentInstance.$on('input', function (e) {
      console.log('received $on(input) - event value:', e);
    el.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {
      console.log('received NATIVE(blur) - event value:', e.target);
    }, true);  // <======================================================= IMPORTANT
    el.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
        console.log('received NATIVE(input) - event value:', e.target);

new Vue({
  el: '#app'

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

<template id="styled-input-tpl">
            v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"
            v-on:blur="$emit('blur', $event.target.value)"

<div id="app">
  Edit the input, focus out, and check the console.
  <my-comp v-my-directive :value="'edit me'"></my-comp>
