如何检查一个对象是否是一个 Vue 组件?

2022-01-25 00:00:00 javascript vue.js vue-component

有没有可靠的方法来检查一个对象是否是一个 Vue.js 组件?

Is there a reliable way to check if an object is a Vue.js component?



You can use instanceof, as following code:

var isVueComp = vuecomp instanceof Vue

如果 isVueComp 为真,则它是 Vue.js 组件,否则不是.

If it isVueComp is true, it is a Vue.js componeny otherwise not.

您也可以使用 vuecomp.prototype.constructor,它将返回对创建实例对象的 Object 构造函数的引用.

You can also use vuecomp.prototype.constructor, which will return reference to the Object constructor function that created the instance object.

检查这个 fiddle.
