Vue:模板不能键入,但不能用 div 替换模板 - 需要没有包装 div 元素的 v-for,嵌套的 v-for 循环

2022-01-25 00:00:00 javascript vue.js vue-component vuejs2

我有这个 JSON:


我用这个 vue 代码显示:

that I display with this vue code:


<template v-for="(obj, pos) in this.breakdown" :key="pos">
    <table class="table-auto" >
                <th class="px-4 py-2">Property</th>
                <th class="px-4 py-2">Value</th>

            <template v-for = "(obj2, pos2) in obj" :key="pos2">
                    <td class="border px-4 py-2">
                    <td class="border px-4 py-2">

但是我得到 error '<template>'无法键入.将键放在真实元素上 错误.如果我用 spandiv 替换 template,它可以工作,但是样式完全不合适,所以我需要它没有包装器元素 - 我已经读过它只能通过 template 标记实现,但是我不确定如何修改 v-for 循环以消除错误.

However I get the error '<template>' cannot be keyed. Place the key on real elements error. If I replace template with span or div, it works, but the styling is all out of place, so I need it to be without the wrapper element - I've read it's only achievable with the template tag, but then I'm not sure how to modify the v-for loops to remove the error.



Try to move v-for directly into table:

<table class="table-auto" v-for="(obj, pos) in this.breakdown" :key="pos">
