如何在 javascript 中访问 windows 证书存储?

我想通过 javascript 访问 windows 证书存储...我想开发一个 web 应用程序并希望通过阅读证书来验证登录用户.

I want to access the windows certificate store through javascript... I want to develop a web application and wants to validate the login user against the certificate by reading it.


据我所知,如果不使用本机桥接(通过一些 java applet 或 activeX 组件的第一实例),Web 应用程序是不可能的.

As far as I know it is not possible from a web application without using native bridge (fir instance through some java applet or activeX component).

Web Cryptography API 目前有 W3C 工作草案.一些浏览器供应商目前正在开发此 API (Mozilla或 Microsoft) 但它远未准备好生产.

There is currently a W3C working draft for a Web Cryptography API. Some browser vendors are currently working on this API (Mozilla or Microsoft) but it is far from being production ready.
