JavaScript 将鼠标位置转换为选择范围
我希望能够将当前鼠标位置转换为一个范围,尤其是在 CKEditor 中.
I would like to be able to convert the current mouse position to a range, in CKEditor in particular.
CKEditor 提供了根据范围设置光标的 API:
The CKEditor provides an API for setting the cursor according to a range:
var ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ ranges ] );
由于 CKEditor 提供了这个 API,这个问题可以通过删除这个要求来简化,只需找到一种方法来生成从鼠标坐标到包含各种 HTML 元素的 div 的范围.
Since CKEditor provides this API, the problem may be simplified by removing this requirement and just find a way to produce the range from the mouse coordinates over a div containing various HTML elements.
但是,这与将鼠标坐标转换为文本区域中的光标位置不同,因为文本区域具有固定的列宽和行高,CKEditor 通过 iframe 呈现 HTML.
However, this is not the same as converting a mouse coordinate into the cursor position in a textarea since textareas have fixed column widths and row heights where the CKEditor renders HTML through an iframe.
基于 this,它看起来像范围可以应用于元素.
Based on this, it looks like the range may be applied to elements.
How would you figure out the start/end range which is closest to the current mouse position?
一个如何使用 ckeditor API 来选择 mouseup 事件范围的示例.
An example of how one might use the ckeditor API to select a range on the mouseup event.
editor.document.on('mouseup', function(e) {
var node =$.target;
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
range.setStart(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(node), 0);
var ranges = [];
this.getSelection().selectRanges( ranges );
The problem with the above example is that the event target node ($.target) is only firing for nodes such as HTML, BODY, or IMG but not for text nodes. Even if it did, these nodes represent chunks of text which wouldn't support setting the cursor to the position of the mouse within that chunk of text.
What you're trying to do is really hard in a browser. I'm not familar with ckeditor in particular, but regular javascript allows you to select text using a range so I don't think it's adding anything special. You have to find the browser element that contains the click, then find the character within the element that was clicked.
检测浏览器元素很简单:您需要在每个元素上注册处理程序,或者使用事件的目标字段.有很多关于这方面的信息,如果您遇到问题,请在 stackoverflow 上提出更具体的问题.
Detecting the browser element is the easy bit: you need to either register your handler on every element, or use the event's target field. There is lots of info on this out there, ask a more specific question on stackoverflow if that's what you're having trouble with.
Once you have the element you need to find out which character within the element was clicked, then create an appropriate range to put the cursor there. As the post you linked to stated, browser variations make this really hard. This page is a bit dated, but has a good discussion of ranges:
Ranges can't tell you their positions on the page, so you'll have to use another technique to find out what bit of text was clicked.
我从未在 javascript 中看到过完整的解决方案.几年前,我研究过一个,但我没有想出一个我满意的答案(一些非常困难的边缘案例).我使用的方法是一种可怕的 hack:在文本中插入 span,然后使用它们执行二进制搜索,直到找到包含鼠标单击的最小 span.Span 不会更改布局,因此您可以使用 Span 的 position_x/y 属性来找出它们是否包含点击.
I've never seen a complete solution to this in javascript. A few years ago I worked on one but I didn't come up with an answer I was happy with (some really hard edge cases). The approach I used was a horrible hack: insert spans into the text then use them to perform binary search until you find the smallest possible span containing the mouse click. Spans don't change the layout, so you can use the span's position_x/y properties to find out they contain the click.
E.g. suppose you have the following text in a node:
<p>Here is some paragraph text.</p>
我们知道点击发生在本段的某处.用 span 将段落分成两半:
We know the click was somewhere in this paragraph. Split the paragraph in half with a span:
<p><span>Here is some p</span>aragraph text.</p>
If the span contains the click coordinates, continue binary search in that half, otherwise search the second half.
This works great for single lines, but if the text spans multiple lines you have to first find line breaks, or the spans can overlap. You also have to work out what to do when the click wasn't on any text but was in the element --- past the end of the last line in a paragraph for example.
自从我从事这个工作以来,浏览器的速度已经快了很多.它们现在可能足够快,可以在每个字符周围添加 s,然后在每两个字符周围添加等以创建易于搜索的二叉树.您可以尝试这种方法 - 它会让您更容易确定您正在处理哪条线路.
Since I worked on this browsers have got a lot faster. They're probably fast enough now to add s around each character, then around each two characters etc to create a binary tree which is easy to search. You could try this approach - it would make it much easier to work out which line you're working on.
TL;DR 这是一个非常困难的问题,如果有答案,可能不值得你花时间想出它.
TL;DR this is a really hard problem and if there is an answer, it might not be worth your time to come up with it.