使用 jQuery select() 选择 div 的内容

是否可以使用或改编 jQuery 的 .select() 来为 div 的全部内容设置选择范围?

Is it possible to use or adapt jQuery's .select() to set a selection range on the entire contents of a div?

我有一个 div,其中包含一系列标签、输入、选择对象和几个其他 UI 元素.我在一个单独的 StackOverflow 帖子上找到了代码,其中一些代码托管在 jsFiddle 上:http://jsfiddle.net/KcX6A/570/

I have a div which has a series of labels, inputs, select objects and a couple of other UI elements. I have found code on a separate StackOverflow post with some code hosted on jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KcX6A/570/


Can this be adapted to select the value of inputs also? Or how would you suggest I go about this?



我知道如何使用 jQuery 获取输入的值,这很简单,我也知道如何使用 .select() 选择独立元素的值.

I know how to get the value of inputs using jQuery, that is easy, I also know how to select he values of independent elements using .select().

在我的 div 中,我有一系列不同的元素类型,包括输入、标签、选择等.我需要对所有元素进行整体选择.我之前添加的 jsFiddle 链接显示了如何设置 div 的范围并选择诸如 p 标签等元素的文本.我需要的是设置 div 内容的范围以及当我点击 ctrl+c 或 cmd+c 时复制输入的值以及标签.

In my div I have a series of different element types including inputs, labels, selects, etc. I need an overall selection of all elements. The jsFiddle link I added earlier shows how to set the range of a div and select the text of elements like p tags etc. What I need is to set the range of the div's contents and when I hit ctrl+c or cmd+c it copies the values of the inputs as well as the labels.

总而言之,我认为使用 .val 和 .select 不起作用.我需要以某种方式将上述内容结合起来,但不确定如何完成.有什么想法吗?

So to summarise, using .val and .select won't work for this I don't think. I need to combine the above in some way but not sure exactly how this will be accomplished. Any ideas?




Basically the trick is to introduce a hidden text node whose content will be included in the selection when copied.

jQuery.fn.selectText = function(){
    this.find('input').each(function() {
        if($(this).prev().length == 0 || !$(this).prev().hasClass('p_copy')) { 
            $('<p class="p_copy" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1;"></p>').insertBefore($(this));
    var doc = document;
    var element = this[0];
    console.log(this, element);
    if (doc.body.createTextRange) {
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var selection = window.getSelection();        
        var range = document.createRange();





You can couple the above plugin with an event handler if you want to create selection links :


$('.select-text').on('click', function(e) {
    var selector = $(this).data('selector');


<a href="#" class="select-text" data-selector="#some-container">Select all</a>
<div id="some-container">some text</div>

演示:参见 js fiddle
