
我想知道是否有任何方法可以检查用户是否使用 javascript 从 2G、3G、4G 或 WiFi 连接.据我所知,只有 Mozilla 提供了一个网络信息 API,它有助于检测一般连接类型,如wifi"、蜂窝"等.

I would like to know is there any way to check if user is connected from 2G, 3G, 4G, or WiFi using javascript. As of my knowledge only Mozilla provides a Network Information API which helps to detect general connection type like 'wifi', 'cellular' etc.


将网络暴露给 javascript 是一种错误的方法.无论如何,为了您更好地理解,请通过以下链接

It is a wrong approach to expose your network to javascript. Anyways for your better understanding please go through the below link

如何检查连接使用 HTML5/JavaScript 输入(WiFi/LAN/WWAN)?

还有一个可以提供帮助,但仅支持 mozilla,有关信息,您可以访问以下链接

And there is one that can be of help but only supports mozilla and for the info you can visit the below link

