用于在 gmail 中插入数学的 Greasemonkey 脚本

2022-01-24 00:00:00 email latex gmail mathml javascript

我希望能以一种简单的方式与 gmail 交流数学方程式.

I wish an easy way to communicate mathematical equations with gmail.

有一个名为 AsciiMath 的 javascript 脚本,它应该翻译 Tex-将方程转换为标准的 mathML.

There's a javascript script called AsciiMath, which should translate Tex-like equations into standard mathML.

我认为将这个脚本与 GM 一起使用会很好.我认为在发送电子邮件之前,此脚本会将您电子邮件中的所有类似 TeX 的方程转换为 MathML.因此,使用 FF(或安装了 MathPlayer 的 IE)的阅读器将能够轻松阅读这些方程式.

I thought that it would be nice to use this script with GM. I thought that before sending the email, this script would convert all the TeX-like equations in your email to MathML. Thus the reader which is using FF (or IE with MathPlayer installed) would be able to easily read those equations.

理想情况下,我希望以某种方式将原始的类似 TeX 的方程保存在纯文本消息中,以便纯文本电子邮件客户端(例如 mutt)可以读取它.

Ideally, I wish to somehow keep the original TeX-like equations in a plain-text message, so that it would be readable by plain text email clients, such as mutt.

显然,这里最薄弱的环节是客户端软件,它很可能不支持 MathML.不过,如果我的通讯员使用的是 Firefox 和某种网络邮件(这很合理),它应该可以工作.

Obviously the weakest link here is the client software, which most likely doesn't support MathML. Still if my correspondent is using Firefox and some kind of webmail (which is pretty reasonable) - it should work.


My question is, is it possible? Did anyone do that?

您是否发现此方法存在任何技术问题(gmail 过滤 MathML、客户端未正确解析等)?

Do you see any technical problems with this approach (gmail filtering the MathML, client not parsing it correctly etc.)?


Any smarter ideas?


GmailTeX 完全符合您的要求.它是纯 javascript,因此可以在 Firefox、Chrome、Opera 中使用.

GmailTeX does exactly what you want. It is pure javascript so it works in Firefox, Chrome, Opera.
