
class TheModel extends Backbone.RelationalModel
        type: Backbone.HasMany
        key: 'subModels'
        relatedModel: SubModel
        collectionType: SubModels
            key: 'TheModel'

themodel = new the TheModel({subModels:[{#stuff},{#stuff},{#stuff}]})

我有 createModels 所以 themodel.get('subModels') 返回模型的集合.

I have createModels on so themodel.get('subModels') returns a collection of models.

现在,如果我将更改的子模型数据传递到 mymodel

Now if I pass changed subModel data into mymodel


themodel 不应该抛出 change 事件吗?它不适合我.

Shouldn't themodel throw a change event? It doesn't for me.

如果我将相同的数据传递给 mymodel

More so if I pass identical data into mymodel


themodel.attributes.subModels 会引发 addupdate 事件,即使没有什么是新的.

themodel.attributes.subModels throws add and update events, even though nothing is new.


I'm not sure why these issues are happening, any help would be great, thanks!!!!


如果你通过设置一个新集合来重置整个关系,Backbone-relational 将(目前)只是替换整个集合,而不是检查差异.所以它会为所有当前的 subModels 触发 remove 事件,然后为每个新的 add 事件触发.

If you reset a whole relation like that by setting a new collection, Backbone-relational will (at the moment) just replace the whole collection, instead of checking for differences. So it'll fire a remove event for all current subModels, then fire add events for each new one.

我确实收到了 change 事件,使用以下代码(如果发布的代码包含完整的示例,这将有所帮助;)

I do get change events though, with the following code (it would help if posted code contains a complete example though ;)

var SubModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({});

var TheModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
    relations: [{
        type: Backbone.HasMany,
        key: 'subModels',
        relatedModel: SubModel,
        reverseRelation: {
            key: 'TheModel'

themodel = new TheModel({subModels: [{ id: 5 },{id: 7},{id: 8}]})

themodel.bind( 'change', function() {
        console.debug( 'change; args=%o', arguments );
themodel.bind( 'change:subModels', function() {
        console.debug( 'change:subModels; args=%o', arguments );
themodel.bind( 'update:subModels', function() {
        console.debug( 'update:subModels; args=%o', arguments );
themodel.bind( 'add:subModels', function() {
        console.debug( 'add:subModels; args=%o', arguments );
themodel.bind( 'remove:subModels', function() {
        console.debug( 'remove:subModels; args=%o', arguments );

console.debug( 'set new subModels' );
themodel.set( {subModels: [{ id: 5 },{id: 7},{id: 9}] } )


set new subModels
change:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, [Object { id=5}, Object { id=7}, Object { id=9}], Object {}]
change; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, undefined]
remove:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object { _related={...}}]
remove:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object { _related={...}}]
remove:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object { _related={...}}]
add:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object {}]
add:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object {}]
add:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object {}]
update:subModels; args=[Object { _queue={...}, attributes={...}, _escapedAttributes={...}, more...}, Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}, Object {}]


If you don't see these change events, could you check which versions of backbone and backbone-relational you're using?
