对具有匹配值的 JSON 键进行排序和合并

2022-01-24 00:00:00 arrays jquery javascript coffeescript

我的 JSON 如下所示:

My JSON looks like this:

json = [
    type: "big"
    date: "2012-12-08"
    qty: 6
    type: "small"
    date: "2012-12-08"
    qty: 9
    type: "big"
    date: "2012-12-15"
    qty: 4
    type: "small"
    date: "2012-12-07"
    qty: 7
    type: "small"
    date: "2012-11-07"
    qty: 3

我想要做的是分组/合并每个 type 具有相同年份的 date &月(date 字符串中的前 7 个字符)并获取这些 qty 的总和.输出应如下所示:

What I'm trying to do is group/merge each type that has a date with the same year & month (the first 7 characters in the date string) and get the sum of those qty's. The output should look like this:

json = [
    type: "big"
    date: "2012-12"
    qty: 10
    type: "small"
    date: "2012-12"
    qty: 16
    type: "small"
    date: "2012-11"
    qty: 3


There are several similar questions I've found here but haven't come across one that does exactly what I'm looking for. I have played around with lots of code borrowed from different examples but can't quite seem to get the results I need. I'm not home now, therefore I can't paste any code I've tried at the moment but I'm asking for help in hopes to have an answer/solution to test out later


这很容易通过创建一个自定义对象来处理,该对象具有以您的唯一组合命名的属性(即类型 + 日期的前 7 个).

This is easily handled by creating a custom object that has properties named with your unique combinations (i.e. type + first 7 of date).


Loop through your array and check if your "holder" object has an existing property named with your unique identifier. If it has the property already, then increment the quantity, otherwise add a new item.


After the holder is completely built, clear your array, then loop through the properties of the holder and push them back on to your array.

var holder = {};
var json = [
    type: "big",
    date: "2012-12-08",
    qty: 6
    type: "small",
    date: "2012-12-08",
    qty: 9
    type: "big",
    date: "2012-12-15",
    qty: 4
    type: "small",
    date: "2012-12-07",
    qty: 7
    type: "small",
    date: "2012-11-07",
    qty: 3

json.forEach(function(element) {
  var identifier = element.type + element.date.slice(0, 7);
  if (holder[identifier]) {
    holder[identifier].qty += element.qty;
  } else {
    holder[identifier] = element;

json = [];
for(var identifier in holder) {

