使用 will_paginate gem 在 Rails 3.2.3 中调用 Ajax

Im trying to implement an Ajax call with the will_paginate gem, I found this guide http://ramblinglabs.com/blog/2011/11/rails-3-1-will_paginate-and-ajax which seemed like a simple solution, though it includes coffeescript which i am not familiar with, so if anyone has a different solution then please advise..

My code is as follows

My View

<div class="container">
 <div class="row">
  <div id="userRecipes">
   <%= render partial: 'userrecipes' %>

My partial (userrecipes)

 <% @recipes.each do |r| %>
  <div class="span3">
   <div class="thumbnail">
    <%= image_tag r.avatar.url(:myrecipes) %>
   <h4><%= link_to r.dish_name, r %></h4>
    <p><%= truncate r.description, :length => 90 %></p>
    <p><%= link_to "Edit Recipe", edit_recipe_path(r.id) %></p>
    <p><%= link_to "Delete Recipe", recipe_path(r.id), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete %></p>
    <p><%= link_to "Add to favorites",  {:controller => 'favourites', :action => 'create', :recipe_id => r.id}, {:method => :post } %></p>
   <% end %>
   <%= will_paginate @recipes %>

updated userrecipes.js.erb file

$('#userRecipes').html('<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'userrecipes') %>');


$ ->
$.setAjaxPagination = ->
$('.pagination a').click (event) ->
  loading = $ '<div id="loading" style="display: none;"><span><img src="/assets/loading.gif" alt="cargando..."/></span></div>'
  $('.other_images').prepend loading
  $.ajax type: 'GET', url: $(@).attr('href'), dataType: 'script', success: (-> loading.fadeOut -> loading.remove())


When i click on the next anchor tag to show the next set of results the page stays as it is and no new content appears

When using the console to see if there are any errors i can see any, the output is

GET http://localhost:3000/my_recipes?page=2&_=1355055997639

Am i missing something here? or is there an issue with my userrecipes.js.erb file because in other Ajax examples i have seen thy are using escape_javascript when rendering the partial?


Whilst inspecting the response in the console it is also showing that the new recipes to be loaded are being loaded but nothing is happening in the view

Any pointers appreciated



Why not try a simpler approach, create a new helper (ex. app/helpers/will_paginate_helper.rb) with the following content:

module WillPaginateHelper
  class WillPaginateJSLinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer
    def prepare(collection, options, template)
      options[:params] ||= {}
      options[:params]['_'] = nil
      super(collection, options, template)

    def link(text, target, attributes = {})
      if target.is_a? Fixnum
        attributes[:rel] = rel_value(target)
        target = url(target)

      @template.link_to(target, attributes.merge(remote: true)) do

  def js_will_paginate(collection, options = {})
    will_paginate(collection, options.merge(:renderer => WillPaginateHelper::WillPaginateJSLinkRenderer))

Then in your view use this tag for ajax pagination:

<%= js_will_paginate @recipes %>

Remember that the pagination links will include existing params of the url, you can exclude these as shown below. This is standard will paginate functionality:

<%= js_will_paginate @recipes, :params => { :my_excluded_param => nil } %>

Hope that solves your problem.


Will_paginate allows you to create your own custom renderer. The WillPaginateJSLinkRenderer is such a custom renderer and this class could be defined anywhere, it doesn't have to be defined inside the helper module. The custom renderer extends the standard renderer (LinkRenderer) and redefines only two methods.

The prepare method is overriden to explicitly remove the cache buster parameter since will_paginate creates the page urls with all parameters that were present when rendering the page and we do not want to reuse the cache buster parameter.

The link method is a copy paste from the original LinkRenderer source code but creates a link with remote: true to make it a JS resquest.

Finally the js_will_paginate method is a standard view helper method to call the normal will_paginate view helper method but adds our custom renderer to the options so that it will be used instead of the normal renderer.
