
2022-01-24 00:00:00 include javascript coffeescript

我想知道是否有办法在咖啡脚本中包含文件.类似于 C 中的 #include 或 PHP 中的 require ...

I'd like to know if there is a way to include a file in a coffee script. Something like #include in C or require in PHP...


coffeescript-concat 怎么样?

coffeescript-concat 是一个预处理和连接的实用程序CoffeeScript 源文件.

coffeescript-concat is a utility that preprocesses and concatenates CoffeeScript source files.

它可以很容易地将您的 CoffeeScript 代码保存在单独的单元中,并且仍然可以轻松运行它们.你可以保持你的源在逻辑上分开没有将它们放在一起运行或嵌入的挫败感一个网页.此外,coffeescript-concat 会给你一个可以轻松编译为单个 Javascript 文件的源文件.

It makes it easy to keep your CoffeeScript code in separate units and still run them easily. You can keep your source logically separated without the frustration of putting it all together to run or embed in a web page. Additionally, coffeescript-concat will give you a single sourcefile that will easily compile to a single Javascript file.
