我正在使用 coffeescript 编写一个 jquery 插件,但不确定如何正确获取函数包装部分.
I am writing a jquery plugin in coffeescript but am not sure how to get the function wrapper part right.
My coffeescript starts with this:
myplugin: ->
@each ->
使用函数包装器创建 javascript:
Which creates the javascript with a function wrapper:
(function() {
myplugin: function() {
return this.each(function() {
but I want a '$' passed in like this:
(function($) {
我在 javascript 中得到了这个:
Similar for the ending I have... nothing in particular in coffeescript.
I get this in javascript:
有谁知道如何使用coffeescript 编译器来实现这一点?或者在 coffeescript 中完成这项工作的最佳方法是什么?
Does anyone know how to achieve this with the coffeescript compiler? Or what is the best way to get this done within coffeescript?
答案是你不需要像在 CoffeeScript 中那样调用它——你的脚本已经安全地包装在一个闭包中,所以不需要jQuery-passed-in-as-a-parameter-tricks.随便写:
The answer is that you don't need to call it like that in CoffeeScript -- your script is already safely wrapped in a closure, so there's no need for jQuery-passed-in-as-a-parameter-tricks. Just write:
$ = jQuery
... at the top of your script, and you're good to go.