在某些(不是全部)浏览器中读取 D3 javascript 中的 JSON 文件时出现问题
我在读取 JSON 文件后立即在 Chrome 中收到此错误.它可以在 Safari 和 Firefox 中正常运行.
I get this error in Chrome immediately after reading a JSON file. It works correctly in Safari and Firefox.
console.log ("事件 -> "+ postcards.nodes[0].node.event);//Safari 中的 "tally" "TypeError: Cannot read property 'node' of undefined" 在 Chrome 中.<
console.log ("event -> "+ postcards.nodes[0].node.event); // "tally" in Safari "TypeError: Cannot read property 'node' of undefined" in Chrome.<
嵌套 JSON 文件中的级别是否有限制?我从 Drupal 视图生成 JSON.这里是开始:
Is there a limit to the levels in a nested JSON file? I generate the JSON from a Drupal view. Here here is the start:
{"nodes":[{"node":{"w1":"","w2":"1","w3":"","w4":"", ...<
这里是 Javascript:
Here is the Javascript:
function(error,wards) {
d3.json("/postcards-json", function(error, postcards) {
console.log ("event -> "+ postcards.nodes[0].node.event); // tally in Safari
我正在使用 macOS,而我的朋友使用 Windows 在 Firefox 中遇到了同样的错误.
I'm using macOS and my friends using Windows get the same error in Firefox.
根据要求,我认为这是 XHR 消息:
As per request here is what I think is the XHR message:
d3.min.js:1 XHR finished loading: GET "http://www.stopplastics.ca/postcards-json".
问题是由于 Drupal 视图没有正确创建造成的.与 Chrome 浏览器无关.
The problem was caused by the Drupal view not being created correctly. Nothing to do with the Chrome browser.