未找到隧道 URL,回退到 LAN URL

2022-01-23 00:00:00 javascript react-native expo tunnel

如何使用隧道运行我的 expo 应用程序?它上周工作,但在过去的 3 天里,它停止工作.

How do I run my expo app using the tunnel? It worked last week but for the last 3 days, it stopped working.

编写代码:expo start --tunnel


  1. 我使用了 3 个不同的网络.一个使用公共wifi,一个使用家庭wifi,最后一个使用4G热点.

  1. I used 3 different networks. One using public wifi, one using home wifi and lastly using 4G hotspot.

运行前登录 expo 帐户 expo start --tunnel https://forums.expo.io/t/tunnel-url-not-found-failed-back-to-lan-url/14380/7

Logging into expo account before running expo start --tunnel https://forums.expo.io/t/tunnel-url-not-found-failed-back-to-lan-url/14380/7

还有其他方法可以让隧道 URL 正常工作吗?

Is there any other way I can try to make the Tunnel URL to work?


Sorry for the late update, but the solution I got is in this link! Expo forum discussion



expo-cli 和 @expo/ngrok
