使用 HTML 文本预填充 gmail 撰写屏幕

2022-01-23 00:00:00 urlencode gmail html

我发现要打开 Gmail 撰写屏幕,您必须先登录并打开以下链接:

I found out that in order to open a Gmail compose screen you'd have to be logged in and open the following link:


替换变量会填充撰写表单上的相应位置.但是,如果我想输入正文多行文本或换行符,即使我对其进行 urlencode,它也不起作用.这里有什么想法吗?

Replacing the variables fills in the corresponding places on the compose form. However if I want to enter into the body multiline text or line breaks its just not working even if I urlencode it. Any ideas here?


检查您的 UrlEncode 方法是否真的将换行符转换为%0a".这是一个两行电子邮件正文的示例:

Check that your UrlEncode method really translates newlines into "%0a". Here's an example of a 2-line email body:

