迁移 magento 网站后 CSS 不加载

2022-01-23 00:00:00 e-commerce migration magento css

我按照 这里.一切都很顺利,除了当我加载页面时,CSS 不会加载,我只是以纯文本形式获取页面.

I migrated my magento website to a different server, following the steps described here. Everything went smoothly, except for the fact that when I load the page, the CSS won't load, and I just get the page in plain text.

我使用 firebug 并注意到系统用于获取 CSS 文件的路径在 FTP 服务器中不存在.它以 'minify' 文件夹开头,这让我觉得可能从以前的服务器缓存了一些东西.

I used firebug and noticed that the path the system is using to get to the CSS file doesn't exist in the FTP server. It starts with the 'minify' folder, which makes me think that something might be cached from the previous server.





This path doesn't exist, not even in the previous server, so I'm thinking maybe these files are supposed to be generated on the fly? I'm really confused, any help will be very appreciated!


听起来您的 .htaccess 文件有问题.缩小重写在那里处理.如果您还没有,请确保您的 .htaccess 文件在传输过程中出现,并在目录或其他任何内容发生更改时进行适当的更改.

Sounds like an issue with your .htaccess file. Minification rewrites are handled there. If you haven't already, make sure your .htaccess file came over in the transfer, and make the appropriate changes if directories or anything else has been changed.
