Gmail 将某些 HTML 元素包装在一个名为 im 的类中

2022-01-23 00:00:00 gmail html

我一直在测试我最近创建的 HTML 电子邮件流程.但是最近,当我在 Gmail 中打开电子邮件时,我注意到某些元素被包装在一个我知道我没有放入原始 HTML 布局中的类中.事实上,我只是检查了三次!在 Gmail 中查看 HTML 电子邮件时,我的表单的随机部分被包裹...

I have been testing out an HTML e-mail process I've created recently. But as of lately, when I open the e-mail in Gmail, I'm noticing that certain elements are wrapped in a class that I know I didn't put in the original HTML layout. In fact I just triple checked! When viewing the HTML email in Gmail, random sections of my form are being wrapped with...

<div class="im">


As a result, some text turns purple, while other text does not. Why does this happen?



Gmail 似乎认为您在对话中引用了其他电子邮件,因此将 包裹在您的代码部分周围它认为是对话中的先前内容.

Gmail seems to think that you are quoting other emails in a conversation and so is wrapping around the sections of your code that it thinks are previous bits in a conversation.

如果您的代码有一个包含多个 TR 的 TABLE,则可能会发生这种情况.为了解决这个问题,而不是在一个 TABLE 中使用多个 TR,而是在每个 TABLE 中使用多个 TABLE.

This might happen if your code has a TABLE with more than one TR. To get around this, rather than several TRs in one TABLE, use several TABLEs with one TR in each.

如果您有多个相同的主题行,也可能会发生这种情况,导致 Gmail 认为这是一个对话.您可以通过使每个主题行唯一来解决此问题.

This might also happen if you have multiple subject lines that are the same, causing Gmail to think this is a conversation. You can fix this by making each subject line unique.
