
2022-01-22 00:00:00 hover css


<a href="#" title="some title">
  <span>Do not change color of this text</span>
  Want to only change this text color

我只想更改锚标记文本的颜色,而不是 span 中文本的颜色.使用 CSS 而不是 jQuery.

I want to change the color of anchor tag text only, not color of text in span. Using CSS not jQuery.



Create a style to ensure the correct colors are being applied:

a {
    color: #00f;
p, a span {
    color: #000;

这会将普通文本 (p) 和跨度内部链接 (a span) 的颜色设置为黑色,而将其余文本的颜色设置为蓝色的链接.

This sets the color of normal text (p) and spans inside links (a span) to black, whereas it sets the color of the rest of the text in links to blue.
