通过 Node.js 路由 http 请求

2022-01-22 00:00:00 networking node.js javascript cucumber

我正在尝试使用 Node.js 进行黄瓜测试设置,可以使用 iframe 测试任何网站.通常,由于跨脚本安全限制,iframe 是不可行的.但是,如果可能的话(我相信它是.我相信你会想出一个解决方案)当请求特定的 url 名称时,通过请求的 url 获取作为测试目标的网站,以便 iframe 将加载测试目标的副本.基本上只是一个标准的 node.js 服务器,它根据 req.url 获取特定页面类似于地址请求路由器.

I'm trying to make a cucumber test setup with Node.js that can test any website by using an iframe. Normally the iframe is a no go because of cross script security limitations. However if it was possible (I'm sure it is. And i trust you to come up with a solution) to fetch the website being target for the test via the requested url when a specific url name is being requested, so that the iframe would be loaded with a copy of the test target. Basically just a standard node.js server that fetches specific pages based on the req.url Akin to an Address Request Router.

这是我公然尝试这样做的.通过获取测试页.网址有效.但我在从 http 服务器切换到连接对象时遇到问题.有没有办法通过 http 服务器响应提供"连接?

Here is my blatant attempt to do exactly that. Fetching the test page via. the url works. But i'm having a problem switching from the http server to the connection object. Is there a way to "feed" the connection with the http server response?

PS.我还使用两个 node.js 服务器创建了一个解决方案.节点 1 获取测试目标并将其与黄瓜测试页面混合.节点 2 托管黄瓜测试.该解决方案有效.但它会在发生 javascript 命名冲突的网站上产生问题.这就是为什么通过封装解决这个问题的 iframe 解决方案更具吸引力.

PS. i also created a solution with two node.js servers. Node 1 fetched the test target and mixing it with cucumber test page. Node 2 hosting the cucumber test. This solution is working. But it creates problems on websites where javascript naming conflicts occur. Which is why the iframe solution, that solves this problem by encapsulation is more appealing.

var http  = require('http');
var connect    = require('connect');
var port  = process.env.PORT || 8788;

var server = http.createServer(function(req, webres)
    var url = req.url;

    if(url == '/myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS')
        // Load the web site to be tested "myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS"
            // And update the references
            // Finaly write the page with the webres
            // The page will appear to be hosted locally

        console.log('Loading myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS');
        webres.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html, level=1'});
        var options =
                   host: 'www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com,   
                   port: 80,   
                   path: '/'

        var page = '';
        var req = http.get(options, function(res)
            console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);   
            res.on('data', function(chunk)
                page = page + chunk;
            res.on('end', function()
                    // Change relative paths to absolute (actual web location where images, javascript and stylesheets is placed)
                    page = page.replace(/ href="///g       , ' href="/');
                    page = page.replace(/ src="//g          , ' src="www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com');
                    page = page.replace(/ data-src="//g     , ' data-src="www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com');
                    page = page.replace(/ href="//g         , ' href="www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com');

        // Load any file from localhost:8788
            // This is where the cucumber.js project files are hosted
        var dirserver     = connect.createServer();
        var browserify = require('browserify');
        var cukeBundle = browserify({
          mount: '/cucumber.js',
          require: ['cucumber-html', './lib/cucumber', 'gherkin/lib/gherkin/lexer/en'],
          ignore: ['./cucumber/cli', 'connect']
}).on('error', function(e)
      console.log("Got error: " + e.message);   
console.log('Accepting connections on port ' + port + '...');


作为 node.js 的新手,我必须意识到使用多个侦听器的可能性.
阅读 nodejitsu 的功能帮助我解决了这个问题.

Well it wasn't so difficult after all.
Being new to node.js i had to realize the possibilties of using multiple listeners.
Reading on nodejitsu's features helped me solve the problem.

以下示例加载 www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com如下指定 url 时:http://localhost:9788/myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS所有其他请求都作为 cucumber.js 网站请求处理.
希望这对其他 node.js newcucumbers 有意义.

Below example loads www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com when specifying the url as follows: http://localhost:9788/myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS where all other requests is handled as cucumber.js website requests.
Hope this make sense to other node.js newcucumbers.

var http  = require('http');

var connect    = require('connect');
var port  = process.env.PORT || 9788;

var server = http.createServer(function(req, webres)
    var url = req.url;
    if(url == '/myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS')
        loadMyWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS(req, webres);
        loadLocal(req, webres, url);
}).on('error', function(e)
      console.log("Got error: " + e.message);   
console.log('Accepting connections on port ' + port + '...');

function loadMyWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS(req, webres)
    console.log('Loading myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS');
    webres.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html, level=1'});
    var options =
               host: 'www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com',   
               port: 80,   
               path: '/'

    var page = '';
    var req = http.get(options, function(res)
        console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);   
        res.on('data', function(chunk)
            page = page + chunk;
        res.on('end', function()
                page = page.replace(/ href="///g       , ' href="/');
                page = page.replace(/ src="//g          , ' src="http://www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com/');
                page = page.replace(/ data-src="//g     , ' data-src="http://www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com/');
                page = page.replace(/ href="//g         , ' href="http://www.myWebsiteToBeTestedWithCucumberJS.com/');



function loadLocal(req, webres, path)
    console.log('Loading localhost');
    webres.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html, level=1'});
    var options =
               host: 'localhost',   
               port: 9787,   
               path: path

    var page = '';
    var req = http.get(options, function(res)
        console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);   
        res.on('data', function(chunk)
            page = page + chunk;
        res.on('end', function()

// Cucumber site listening on port 9787
var dirserver     = connect.createServer();
var browserify = require('browserify');
var cukeBundle = browserify(
    mount: '/cucumber.js',
    require: ['cucumber-html', './lib/cucumber', 'gherkin/lib/gherkin/lexer/en'],
    ignore: ['./cucumber/cli', 'connect']
