在 Protractor e2e 测试中设置时区

我有一些处理时区的 Protractor e2e 测试.在我的本地机器上它们通过了,在 Appveyor 上它们没有.

I have some Protractor e2e tests in which I deal with timezone. On my local machine they pass, on Appveyor they don't.

我发现这是一个时区设置问题(Appveyor 上的不同设置).

I found out it's a timezone setting issue (different settings on Appveyor).


Is there a way to set the timezone at the start of the test suite and bring it back the old one at the end?


I tried this solution (so please don't mark this as duplicate): Set browser timezone in a Protractor test


which I found to be a very ugly workaround. Anything prettier?


您可以使用 PowerShell 更新时区并在之后重置.这可以使用 AppVeyor 环境变量、Get-TimeZone &设置时区.这是一个 appveyor.yml 示例:

You could use PowerShell to update the timezone and reset it after. This can be achieved using AppVeyor environment variables, Get-TimeZone & Set-TimeZone. Here is an appveyor.yml sample:

  - ps: $env:ORIGIONAL_TZ = Get-TimeZone
  - ps: Set-TimeZone -Name "Pacific Standard Time"

  - ps: Set-TimeZone -Name $env:ORIGIONAL_TZ
