
2022-01-22 00:00:00 hover jquery css fullcalendar timeslots

您好,我正在使用 Adam Shaw 的 FullCalendar (.

此问题源于 2009 年 10 月,因此我们似乎不应该抱有太大希望,但一些用户提出了不同的解决方法.其中之一在我的代码中成功运行,因此值得一试.

Hi I am using FullCalendar by Adam Shaw (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/). I am using a month and agendaWeek view. I want to put in an hover effect when the user is hovering over a date in month view or a timeslot in agendaWeek view. I tried to change the css as follows:

.fc-widget-content:hover {
        background-color: red;

This works for month view. File attached

However, the same code selects the whole line in the agendaWeek view when I just need one timeslot to be highlighted.

Example picture below shows the whole 1:00pm slot higlighted for everyday instead of just the timeslot in Wed 02-01 where the mousecursor was.

Any ideas how to achieve this.

Many thanks.


You're not alone: many users of FullCalendar would like to see highlighting of individual time slots supported out of the box. There's an issue for this on Google Code.

The issue stems from October 2009, so it seems we shouldn't get our hopes up, but several users have suggested different workarounds. One of these is working successfully in my code, so it might be worth to check out.
