
2022-01-22 00:00:00 hover html css

原生在 chrome/firefox 中,将鼠标悬停在一个元素上会显示其标题为黄色背景和黑色文本.

Natively in chrome/firefox, hovering over an element shows its title with a yellow background with black text.

有人知道每种颜色的确切 HEX 或 RGB 颜色吗?

Does anyone know the exact HEX or RGB colors for each?




Took a screen capture, opened it in photoshop, used the color picker to find the values.

在 OSX/Chrome 中,工具提示黄色背景是:

In OSX/Chrome the tooltip yellow background is:


在 OSX/Chrome 中,工具提示文本为:

In OSX/Chrome the tooltip text is:


在 OSX/FF 中,工具提示黄色背景为:

In OSX/FF the tooltip yellow background is:


在 OSX/FF 中,工具提示文本是:

in OSX/FF the tooltip text is:


实际上,Chrome bg 中的某些点有细微的变化,它不是纯纯色.我不确定是什么导致了这种异常.但是我取的十六进制值是最一致的,任何变化都可以忽略不计.

There are actually minor variations at some points in the Chrome bg, it's not a purely solid color. I'm not sure what would cause that anomaly. But the hex value I took was the most consistent, and any variations are negligible anyway.

文本当然是抗锯齿的,并且值取自我认为是文本最暗的区域,这将对应于它的实际 RGB/HEX 值.

Text is of course antialiased, and values were taken from what I perceived to be the darkest area of the text, which would correspond to its actual RGB/HEX value.
