如何使用 firebug 检查 CSS 伪类?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 hover css firebug pseudo-class

我正在为我无法覆盖的不情愿的 a:hover css 样式而苦苦挣扎.

I am struggling with a reluctant a:hover css style which I cannot override.

我试图检查 Firebug 中的元素,但我不明白为什么它不起作用.我什至看不到如何在 Firebug 中正确检查 a:hover css 事件.

I tried to inspect the element in Firebug, but I cannot see why it won't work. I don't even see how to properly inspect a:hover css event in Firebug.

Firebug 中的悬停检查 http://blog.borngeek.com/2010/04/16/hover-inspection-in-firebug/

I have seen:
Hover Inspection in Firebug http://blog.borngeek.com/2010/04/16/hover-inspection-in-firebug/
but I have not figured out how to reproduce the steps mentioned there.

还有:伪幻影 http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2009/11/03/伪幻影/

如何使用 Firebug 检查/调试 CSS 伪类,例如 :hover?

How do I inspect/debug CSS pseudo classes like :hover with Firebug?


很简单.只需选择要检查的元素.然后,从右侧面板中,单击 Style 菜单项.在那里你可以选择伪类 :hover

It's pretty easy. Just select the element you want to inspect. And then, from the panel on the right side, click on the Style menu item. There you can select the pseudo class :hover


