css 菜单悬停“挂起"在铬 &苹果浏览器

2022-01-22 00:00:00 webkit hover css menu

问候 -挣扎于三级 CSS 菜单.
在 Mac 版 FireFox 和 Opera 中运行良好,但在 Chrome 和 Safari 中,在您将光标移开后,第三级粘住"或挂起"作为水印.

Greetings - Struggeling with a three-level css menu.
Works fine in FireFox and Opera for mac, but in Chrome and Safari the third level "sticks" or "hangs" as a watermark after you move the cursor away.


I have tried a few different things without luck.



我已经删除了其他所有内容,所以这只是菜单 css &html.

I have cut away everything else, so this is just the menu css & html.
(PS. there are only three levels on archeology, hominins and environmental)


您可能有兴趣知道从.menu ul li ul"中删除visibilty: hidden"规则" 选择器(在 CSS 的第 105 行)在 Chrome 中为我解决了这个问题.签入 FF3.6 并且它也可以工作 - 没有在其他任何内容中签入.

You may be interested to know that removing the "visibilty: hidden" rule from the ".menu ul li ul" selector (on line 105 of the CSS) fixes the problem for me in Chrome. Checked in FF3.6 and it works too - didn't check it in anything else.
