您可以在 Firebug 中设置悬停状态“粘性"吗?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 firefox hover html css firebug

当我在调试网站时,有时悬停的选择器有点冗长,并且与其他选择器相似,有没有办法在 Firebug 中将一种粘性"状态应用于悬停规则?

When I'm debugging a site, sometimes the hovered selectors are a little long winded and similar to other ones, is there a way to apply a kind of "sticky" state to hover rules in Firebug?

示例;我将鼠标悬停在导航栏上,想将选择器从萤火虫中复制出来以在 CSS 中搜索,但是一旦我移动鼠标,选择器(显然)就会随着导航 <li> 消失不再悬停.

Example; I hover over a nav bar and want to copy the selector out of firebug to search in the CSS, but as soon as I move my mouse, the selector (obviously) disappears as the nav <li> isn't hovered anymore.




在检查链接时,Firebug 会显示默认的 CSS 状态,即应用于 a:link 的样式.默认情况下,不显示 :hover 和 :active 样式.幸运的是,您可以通过单击样式并选择适当的选项来更改链接的状态:

When inspecting links, Firebug shows the default CSS state, i.e. styles applied to a:link. By default, the :hover and :active styles are not shown. Fortunately, you can change the state of the link by clicking Style and choosing the appropriate option:
